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Our brochure (unfortunately only in German language) entitled “Dreams can come true” shows life profiles of numerous Kenyans, which are intended to show what impulses and successes our previous support has given them or made possible.


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With the help of all club members and other sponsors, this support was possible, thank you very much for that! In our work for young people hungry for education who grew up in poor conditions or in the slums of Nairobi and some of whom still live there, our association is a “Glimmer of Hope” with its support.

Kenianische Geschichten


From 02/27/2022 to 03/06/2022 8 Kenyan students participated in an excursion through Kenya to get to know their country better.

Our thanks for the excursion report go to those who made the excursion possible, the students and Dr. Werner Schäfer, who did the German translation of the English text.


PDF field trip report download



In 2020, on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of our association, we produced a brochure that recapitulates the years 2015-2019 in an agitating way, ventures a look ahead, above all, lets our sponsored scholarship holders from Kenya have their say.

The profiles of 25 Kenyan students presented in the brochure are an exciting collection of impressive biographies, hopes, aspirations and encouragement for their own goals and wishes for their future and that of their country.

We hope that this brochure will help to continue our support of young and creative people in Kenya with your help!


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